Other than white, like asian blond, black girl with red hair?
Do you like it when women in different races dye their hair?
I honestly don't like it, that includes Whites too. I think people who have natural hair look beautiful.
For example: Ok I liked this girl form my class. She has a light brown hair color but one day she dyed it. Her hair turned out to be orange blonde and I didn't like it. I thought she looked more beautiful with brown hair.
Also some Asians dye their blond have their hair turn out red orange because their hair is so dark. I really don't like it when people dye their hair when their hair was what made them beautiful.
Do you like it when women in different races dye their hair?
If it looks horrible and so obviously fake then NO.
Do you like it when women in different races dye their hair?
i think natural is always better, but sometimes we get bored and need a change
Do you like it when women in different races dye their hair?
Actually blacks DO have red and blonde hair, in fact MORE often red than blond
Malcolm X nickname was "red" cause of his red hair. My mom has redish brown hair.
Yes I think blonde hair looks bad on any race, but that is my opinion.
Do you like it when women in different races dye their hair?
I long for a blonde japanese girl, that is so hot..I think red hair on some black girls look hot really hot esp if they have a the eye color to match. I do think it looks trashy when white girls constantly dye their hair I don't know why but it just does to me..
Do you like it when women in different races dye their hair?
I think they look so fake, white wannabe.
Do you like it when women in different races dye their hair?
Sooooo...............Only white women are "allowed" to dye their hair?!?
You do realize that women of other races are often born with different hair colors? There are non-biracial black women with ash-blonde, light brown, auburn, or red hair. Hispanic women have all different hair colors. Asian women from the Pacific islands, along with women from India and the Middle East, also have different shades of brown hair.
Women of all different races and cultures have the right to color or style their hair any way they choose. Who died and made you the hair police?
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